Monday, January 11, 2010

Reading Newsweek makes me want to shake my fist and yell "REAGANNNNN" like Captain Kirk yelling "KHANNNNNN!!!!"

See also: Why is it that when I go to search, "Wrath of Khan", the first search item after "Wrath of" is "Wrath of the Lich King"? Because that's World of Warcraft stuff. And it is, inherently, irrelevant where Star Trek is concerned.

I'm not the biggest fan of Star Trek. But I know enough to know that Star Trek inspires people not to waste their lives. World of Warcraft inspires kids to not move until they die. I think, google, that you should be putting "Wrath of Khan" above this "Wrath of the Lich King" crap. For the sake of humanity.


1 comment:

Austin said...

I still think the amount of people that play WoW is so amazing. Like its every other person you walk past.

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