Monday, January 11, 2010

I've declined my latin noun. Now I'm eating Swedish Fish and thinking about things. Maybe I'm not wasting my time and life after all... I mean, so much of a writer's time should go into thinking about things.

All morning I've been wanting to fashion a time machine so I could go back to China at the turn of the century and put on a performance (in translation of course) of Lope de Vega's "Fuenteovejuna" to the peasant throngs in Hunan. I wonder if it would hit home as hard as the Communist doctrine did... Probably not. The peasants only like the Communists because capitalism was so close to feudalism in their country.

Sigh. See, this stuff isn't useful or necessary to the world.

I'm going to die starving.


Lawsy said...

only because you didn't eat that rice.

Kelsie Lynn said...

or jdawgs.

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