Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm updating SO MUCH LATELY

But I just feel like.

You know when Ritchie Tenenbaum is messing up that tournament play? And he has one shoe off and keeps staring into the stands?

I feel like that a lot. Just. All nerves.

And then I worry about if I'm too crazy on the internet. If I'm internet crazy. If people reading this think I'm crazy. Or complain or whine too much.

Even this is making me crazy. I'm not crazy. I just REALLY REALLY like to liveblog my life.


Austin said...

you're not crazy, you just live passionately on the internet. You have a beautifiul faithful blogspot. A vivaciousness for tumbl. And a beautiful baby youtube account. You've got the life everyone wants!

life is too short to worry about stuff like that...

this is what life is all about

Kelsie Lynn said...

who you kidding? of COURSE people think your crazy

but the good crazy

moonshinejunkyard said...

YEAH for crazy!

Emily Rigby said...

As long as you're not in love with your sister,
I'm gonna go with...people probably think you are relatively normal.

And I'm willing to bet we all feel a little tenanbaumy every now and again. Is good. Is fine.

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