Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hello Children. It's me. Your illegitemate dad.

Ok, so in the interest of posterity I've decided to go ahead and think about and then document a few cardinal rules for the raising of my children. This is, of course, in case of the rare possibility that I'll take "responsibility" of my children and their subsequent "expenditures" like food and a crib and teeth doctors.

1. Children, I will never make you join an intramural sport, club activity, or youth group (gang) if you do not want to. This is mainly because I don't want to have to kid myself that you'll be good at anything. I'm trying to love you, you know? And how can I love you if I get my hopes up that you'll be good at soccer and it turns out you can't even run straight?

2. Children, at the risk of goin' "totally granola", I will not allow cable television into the house. This is a two-fold up. One, you won't be fat and lazy and obnoxious. You won't make me suffer through the Suite Life with Zach and Cody. You won't bother me with pleas for toys that nobody thinks are cool (nobody=me). The second sweet part of this is that cable television is so on it's way out. We'll get our television, if it's rated highly enough by The Onion AV Club and, through youtube and surfthechannel. We'll be riding the wave of the future, as Howard Hughes would say. This will add an edge of elitism to you at school.

3. Children, I will never, ever make you sit through a dinner at Olive Garden, Red Lobster, or a steak house that isn't Jack Ruby's. This is motivated purely by bad childhood memories. We would eat and then I would be full and tired and the adults would be talking about boring crap. All I wanted to do was lay down in the booth and that was strictly not allowed. Plus the bathrooms smelled awful and I had to look at everybody's sweat shirts and Nike's. Not a fan. I'm saving you from that awfulness.

4. Children, you will not attend a daycare or private school. You'll go through public school like the rest of us. What, you think you're some sort of privileged rich kid? You think you're smarter and more special than your peers? You won't be. You aren't, especially right now because you're (hopefully) unborn. It's called humility. Learn it, jerks.

5. Children, you will not drink soda. This is another moment of "granola-ness", but frankly I don't care. I just watched King Corn and that shit is scurry. If this means I have to go soda-less as well, then... Hell. I'll commit. For you, you hellions. I'm saving you from diabetes and cancer; please repay me by not turning into a meth head or person who wears Bodman cologne.

6. Children, I will never, ever ever give you what you want unless what you want is love, knowledge, taste and style, basic human needs, and a modicum of safety and comfort. You will not get what's fashionable known as "in" because I'll make sure I marry a woman who, like me, knows what's timelessly trendy (big-collared shirts and flannel dresses). I will foster a love of learning in you, which will supersede all material want (idealism alert). You will be an amalgamation of Spartans and Athenians. Judicious, daring, quick-witted, resourceful, courageous, with killer pectorals and diphurnals (not a real muscle).

I don't know how you'll turn out for real. In my mind you guys are going to be awesome, cooler versions of me. You guys will listen to the music I listen to, but like. Times 20x on the coolness factor. You guys will love film and art and movies. We'll have lively discussions about it on our veranda late into the night while you're home from studying abroad (on scholarship dog. Cause you're paying your own way through college). We'll try and play basketball, because I think that's what families do. Although, I kind of hate actually playing, and you probably will too.

These are just some important thoughts. I hope that some fox with a PhD in Comparative Studies reads this and emails me with her number. And at the bottom of the message it'll say like "Sent from the Blackberry!" And I'll be like, "Dude. That's so hip."


Kelsie Lynn said...

Hey, private school isnt all that bad. Especially if you get to wear a tie and a kilt and blazer.

Austin said...

i'm not kidding when I say that I'm saving this for the day my first child is birthed. I will live and die by these rules.
we are the same.

Lawsy said...

i didn't have cable growing up.
and i turned out just fine not knowing about Are You Afraid of the Dark or whatever it is everyone goes on about.

and i'm glad you realize that flannel will always be classy. and i agree about basketball too.

Just Some Dude said...
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Just Some Dude said...

So, I've decided that I should have been part of the Bloomsbury Group - not for all of their views on and experiments with sexuality, but for the chance to get together with people and decide how the world SHOULD be. Just an elitist group of intellectuals who want nothing more than to get together and bitch about how stupid and horrible the rabble of the world is and how wonderful and positive their own ideals are. From this blog post, it sounds like you should join too. (had to delete the last comment for its gross mispellings)

Kelsie Lynn said...

Shh dont tell Lauren. This is her puppy love poem. Maybe you'll get a whack child like her! that would be lovely in my opinion.

Puppy Love
My dog will run
Under the sun

Through the leaves
In the autumn breeze

Catching the ball
Before it can fall

She has soft fur
That covers all of her

I love my dog
Though she can be a hog

We run together
seeming to go on forever

Her warm tongue caresses my face
As I stare off into space

Wishing this all was real

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