Saturday, May 15, 2010

I just watched the last year of my life on film. Well, to be honest, it was Louis' life. But we're all in there, all of us, wrapped up in the hours of film. It was pretty incredible to see the whole thing, finally, and I will say that it did not disappoint. It was strange to see the other side of things. The way things looked not from these two eyes. Barry, you've got talent. It was a visceral symphony.

1 comment:

Barry said...

I think maybe sometimes what really makes a situation like this or a phase such as this "over" is showing it to everyone getting it all out there. Dressman called it Therapeutic, maybe it was my confession to Louis ", Hey I saw it all." We talked about getting it the esquire and asking for rights to songs. Frankly I don't really care. I think at the heart of it for me is "well what does my friend think." This is the first film I've made, the first solid piece of work that I spent a great deal of my life working on, now it is complete. Maybe come up with a better analysis for a blog...

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