Saturday, February 20, 2010

Things I Love About My Job

When anyone asks me, "Why do you hate your job so much?" I have to think of all of the reasons why I hate it. I think that the example of right now is perfect:

I was sent home with a rough cut DVD over the weekend to have names and lower third logged and ready to go for monday because we're making a font to put all of the names in by the end of next week. When I watch the DVD to log time codes, there is no rough lower third to reference. There is also no set of credits. I haven't ever seen this project before, because it was outsourced to an independent contractor. I called my boss to tell him this but he answered and then hung up immediately. I called back and only got a voice mail. I then texted him and said, "[Name omitted] this rough cut has no lower third."

His response was: "ok lets get it asap"

Bewildered by this cryptic response, I responded: "I would make an excel outline to commit to in FCP but there are no credits on the show either. So I don't know the names of anyone except for Ed and President Monson."

And I've had no response for half an hour.
In a nutshell, this is my job. I am assigned to do something within a three day span of time with one half-assed resource, no aid from my boss, and no real understanding or expectations of my job or its supposed results.

Everyday that I go into work it's literally as though I'm expected to identify the appearance of over 7 people I've never seen or met before and log the points in which they show up over a period of an hour and a half.

And whenever people wonder what my job is or why I'm unhappy with it, I'll just refer them to this blog post and make them read it for 4 hours straight, but only on the days when they can muster the self-confidence and will to drive 5 miles to sit in a dungeon of a building and be confused over and over and over again.

P.S. I will try to make this the last complaint about my job because I know that shit is annoying and I'm lucky to have a job, etc. But seriously, you deal with this for almost a year. You think, "Some day it'll be different. Some day it'll change." Nope. Working for a strange, restrictive, and utterly disfunctional international corporation is just as retarded as it sounds!


barry said...

You are not at Walgreens. You are not at Walgreens. You are not at Walgreens. You are not at Walgreens.
By the end, I wanted a job like this. I was so fed up with what i did. I was ringing the consumer out, servicing a stupid company whose ideas i couldn't defend to the customer. There was a thought on my last night when someone called in and I had to work the register, an infant could do this job. In my insanity after working a short five hour shift i almost yelled at a customer(the kind with a binder full of coupons, the douche bags) saying ", look I'm sure you can do this so ring your own self out."
You need a job where you make your own hours and are on salary!
I saw Shutter Island, pay me!

redneckzilla said...

NOT ON SALARY. I wish. If I was on salary, I'd be bitter, but I'd be quiet about the goldmine I stumbled into.

But, alas, you're right. It isn't Walgreens.

How was Shutter Island??

barry said...

ha I lied. I haven't seen it!Heard it was good and kept its own, but wasn't groundbreaking like I was hoping.
People on salary treat everyone else like bitches!

redneckzilla said...

See also: My boss. Still no answer. I'm on the clock, fuck this job.

barry said...

Whats your job title?

Daniel Steele said...

I think I ned to come into work more often and cheer you up.

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